Commonly used commands

Commonly used commands:

  • cls - clears the screen

    • Usage: type “cls” and enter.

    • Example:

  • exit - Exits the command prompt application

    • Usage: type “exit” and enter

    • Example

  • shutdown - used to shutdown the computer.

    • Usage:
      • “shutdown” - shuts down the computer
      • “shutdown /r” - restarts the computer. Here “/r” is an argument.
  • /? - for help with any command

    • Usage: If you don’t know what a particular command does, then type “command /?” to know more.

    • Example: Here I have tried to see what “dir” command does by putting /? in the end of the command.

  • start - start command is used to start any particular application you have in your computer.

    • Usage: type “start” followed by the application name as argument.
    • Example:
      • Starting Google chrome by writing “start chrome”

      • Starting VS code by writing “start code”

NOTE: Not all the applications opened by using this command, only few of them are opened.

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