Working with Folders
Let’s discuss about how to create folders, how to move from one folder to another, how to move, how to copy, etc.
1. cd:
- “cd” stands for change directory.
- It it used to move from one folder to another folder.
Open the command prompt and type “cd foldername” this will change your current working directory.
For Example: Typing “cd videos” would move you into the videos directory if it exist in your current location.
- When you try to change directory to a folder that is not present in your system, then it shows error “cannot find the specified path”. This is because we cannot open a folder which is not present in our system even in file explorer.
- When you want to change directory to the parent folder, we have to use the command “cd ..”.
2. mkdir:
- “mkdir” stands for make directory.
- It it used to create new folder/folders.
Open the command prompt and type “mkdir foldername” this will create a new directory with name as foldername.
3. copy filename folderpath
xcopy folder1 folder2: copies folder1 files to folder2
xcopy folder1 folder2 /s: copies folder1 files to folder2 , also includes subdirectories of folder1.
4. move a folder
move folder1 toFolder2
5. rename
rename folder1 folder1renamed
6. Remove a directory
rmdir foldername
rmdir /s FolderName