Text Editors

Text file:

  • The text file that we used to store the text based information.
  • Text files typically have the “.txt” extension.
  • Although other extensions can be used depending on the context.
  • Examples: “.md” for markdown

“.py” for python

“.html” for html

“.cpp” for C++

“.c” for c language, etc.

How to create a text document?

  • Right-click on an empty space on the desktop.

- Click the “New” option in the context menu.

- Click on “Text Document” from the submenu that appears.

- This creates a new text file named “New Text Document.txt” on the desktop.

- If you want to rename the file, right-click on it, select “Rename”

How to open the file?

  • Simply double-click the file icon to open it.


  • Right-click on the file icon, and select “open” from the context menu to open it.

How to change the format?

When you want to change the file format, you just rename the file extension format.

  • Navigate to your desktop and locate the file.
  • Right-click on the file and select “Rename”
  • Change the file extension (e.g., from “example.txt” to “example.py”).
  • press “Enter”.

Why do we use text file?

  • Text file is used to store the text information.
  • Text files are easy to create and edit using simple text editors.
  • We stores the data through different formats like “.txt”, “.py”, “.html”, “.c”, etc.
  • It is used for documentation, data management, coding, software development and scripting.
  • Text files can also be used to store configuration files like “.env”, “.properties”, “.xml”, etc.

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