Github Student Pack

What offers are available?

Visit Github Student Pack to check the offers.

Steps to get access:

  1. Visit Github Education Page.
  2. Click on “Get Student Benefits” and login/signup with your github account.
  3. After Logging in, scroll down and click on add email and add your college email.
  4. After adding your college email, verify your account by clickingon the link you would have received in clg mail.
  5. Then add your Name of the college and why you want these Student benefits.
  6. If you’re not sure what to write in “How do you plan to use GitHub?” Copy paste: “I am very passionate about software development, and using this developer pack, i’ll be able to explore and learn a lot about software development as a whole. Right from learning web development, hosting the website in cloud, mapping the domain name, and connecting CICD pipelines as well. It will surely be a great practical learning experience.”
  7. Finally, wait for activation to be done from Github’s side.

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